El estudiante film completa mexicana jorge lavat

Somewhat adrift, he begins to wander the university. With esteban lamothe, romina paula, ricardo felix, valeria correa. Jorge lavat chano, pablo cruz guerrero, norma lazareno. Aunque esta pelicula ha recibido desiguales criticas tanto en mexico como fuera del. The student is a 2009 mexican film written and directed by roberto girault, and starring jorge lavat, norma lazareno, jose carlos ruiz. Su padre era francisco lavat verastegui y su madre edelmira bayona oropeza. Informacion sobre reparto, guion, fotografia, productora, distribuidora, etc. Jorge lavat, norma lazareno, siouzana melikian, cristina obregon, jorge luis moreno, pablo cruz guerrero, cuauhtemoc duque, jeannine derbez, daniel martinez y jose carlos ruiz. Chano jorge lavat, a retiree in his seventies, enrolls at a university to follow his longdeferred dream of studying literature and in the process he tears down the generational gap with a group of youngsters. The film depicts the story of a 70yearold man called chano, who decides to go to university despite his age.